
Ready to Change the Way You Approach Application Security?

Collaborate with ethical hackers to build better, more secure technology.

Let's Talk Security

If you're like some of our best clients, you might be thinking...

“I’m uncertain about the security of our application.”

“Our security is complex and chaotic.”

“We feel outmatched by attackers and can't keep pace.”

Security. It can be complicated, kill your productivity, and overwhelm you with uncertainty. However, it doesn’t have to be that way.

Do Security Right with Ethical Hacking

You know that security is important to the technology you build. You also know that just because you haven't been hacked doesn't mean you won't. How can you ensure that your products are keeping pace with adversarial exploits? How can you build better security across your organization? The right security partner doesn't just believe in finding vulnerabilities. At ISE, our security analysts believe in delivering collaborative results that will make your company measurably better.  

Let's Talk Security
dark coded computer

Our Process

1. Assess

Beyond penetration testing; better than relying blindly on scans. We infuse the type of problem solving that can only be delivered by humans, working manually.

2. Remediate

We collaborate closely with you to determine the most effective fixes, and the best plan for implementing them. As a result, you’ll know exactly what to do, and exactly when to do it.

2. Strengthen

Security is not a linear process, but rather a never-ending loop. We transfer knowledge, teach your developers, equip your marketing team, and ensure you understand.

Proven Security Experts

From newly funded startups to Fortune 10 enterprises, we’ve helped the companies you trust with the same security challenges you're facing.

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Researchers at Heart

Research is in our blood. We’ve published security research on solutions across a range of systems, including cars, phones, IoT, password managers, blockchain, AI and more.

  • Exploiting the iPhone -ISE security researchers successfully discovered a vulnerability in the iPhone, developed a toolchain for working with the iPhone's architecture, and created a proof-of-concept exploit capable of delivering files from the user's iPhone to a remote attacker. Read more...
  • Password Managers: Under the Hood of Secrets Managers -ISE found that in all password managers we examined, trivial secrets extraction was possible from a locked password manager, including the master password in some cases, exposing up to 60 million users that use the password managers in this study to secrets retrieval from an assumed secure locked state. Read more...
  • Vulnerabilities in Network Accessible Services -ISE security analysts show how security controls put in place by IoT device manufacturers are insufficient against attacks carried out by remote adversaries. Read more...
male with two computers

The book for leaders, by ethical hackers.

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Building a Culture of Security

You have security vulnerabilities.

Whether you find them and fix them, or your attacker finds them and exploits them - they exist.

There’s just one problem: you don’t know where they are. You don’t know how severe they are. Until you fix them, you’re taking on a level of risk that you can’t even measure.

Our services do more than just assess your technology. We collaborate to help you build better products with security in mind, train your team to identify vulnerabilities, and manage risk from internal and external teams, vendors, and adversaries.  

Security Assessments

If you need to find and fix security vulnerabilities in your application, an assessment is key.

Security Consulting

Using an adversary-centric mindset, we provide expert advice about securing or compromising assets, no matter your industry.

Security Training: Hackalong

This workshop provides teams with a hands-on lab that enhances their understanding of how hackers find and exploit vulnerabilities.

START Vendor Risk Management

Organize and automate your TPRM or VRM program even if you are managing thousands of partners with a small team.
Let's Talk Security

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is in-depth security testing expensive?
Our methodology supports a manual process to in-depth security testing. What does that mean? Well, real humans, with real-world experience "thinking like a hacker" are the ones that are searching for vulnerabilities in your technology that can be exploited. Hackers are people--not scans, or machines. The strongest defense companies can have to secure their tech is to have a team of experts to discover your weaknesses before hackers exploit them.
Why should you test your security more than the bare minimum?
You don't know what you don't know. Vulnerabilities exist and can be found and fixed collaboratively by your team working with security experts like ISE, or attackers can find them and exploit them. Scans and more automated, less expensive security testing methods might discover the bare minimum, but the fact is that attackers are going to discover what provides them the biggest payload--and that won't be found in scans. Testing at the bare minimum leaves a level of risk that can't even be measured until you know what vulnerabilities exist and the severity of them.  
What type of testing provides the most depth and coverage?
Dynamic manual testing to extract assets and document all vulnerabilities possible within budget will provide the most robust testing. ISE's approach is a hybrid of both a vulnerability assessment--which provides a lot of coverage but not always a lot of depth--and a pentest which has an incredible amount of depth but tends to be narrow in scope.
How often should you test the security of your product/system?


The short answer is frequently. People tend to follow these inappropriately long timelines because somehow the idea of “annual” testing has become a commonly referenced idea. However, the world changes rapidly, especially when it comes to technology — this inherently changes your security posture since your last round of security testing. Furthermore, attackers are evolving at a relentless pace — if you aren’t reassessing your security often enough, it’s only a matter of time before they have the advantage. 

Security is an ongoing process: you’ll need to regularly reassess your system for vulnerabilities. If you want to do it right, though, cadence matters. The right reassessment interval for most apps is every three to six months. 

How should you budget for security?


Here’s the harsh reality, though: the less you invest, the less it returns. When you cut costs too far, you prevent outcomes that help you get better. Achieving your security mission is going to cost you time, effort, and money. There is no way around that. When those investments get cut to the bone, what’s really reduced is your ability to succeed. 

The trick to successful application security lies in finding that magical balance where you uncover useful issues without investing too much or too little. We call this the Goldilocks Principle--the sweet spot between yearly cost and effort and the useful issues discovered. 

While a slim margin of companies can overspend on security, the vast majority fall into the category of understanding. Why? Security is often viewed as a “tax” on the business. Companies want to minimize any kind of tax, and so they try to cut security spending inappropriately. However, most people don’t realize that when you cut costs, what you actually cut is effort.

As a ballpark estimate, to do application security testing right is probably going to cost $30,000 to $150,000 or more per year, per application. Some cost far more than that. 

Security isn’t cheap because it’s not easy, it requires a unique skill set, and it takes effort. 

However, doing security right is worth the price. 

How does security testing help me with my B2B or B2C relationships?
The reports written by the testing team can be shared! After the testing work is complete, having an actionable deliverable will show your team how to fix the issues, but then also be documented proof that thorough testing was carried out. These reports should indicate remediation and status of found issues so that both vendors and customers have assurance on the diligence of the products' security testing.
What important things should I consider when training my engineers on practical security concerns?
One of the best methods for training engineers is that of hands-on lab experience. At ISE, we call this a Hackalong workshop. The workshop provides a lab environment for engineers to hack alongside security analysts for hands-on learning for practical security concepts. The dynamic workshops can explore software, webapps, hardware, and more. 
How do you find the right security partner for your security testing?

We've found that when searching for the right security partner, companies should look for three things:

1. Consulting services are a must. If these aren't being provided, then you're receiving just the bare minimum.

2. They employ specialists. There should be a team of security experts on staff who are dedicated to researching custom solutions to your problems. Beware of companies that rely on crowdsourcing expertise or contract out specialists.

3. High cumulative experience of in-house talent. The right partner offers an in-house team of talent that has years of experience in finding vulnerabilities in a diverse set of technologies. This experience allows them to pull from what they’ve seen with so many other apps and technologies that they can apply that expertise of experience immediately to your needs.


What Our Partners Say


“ISE is one of the largest, most trusted security organizations.”


“ISE is dedicated to ensuring security.”



Senior Engineer

“Learning from the experts at ISE was amazing. These guys are next level. 10/10”



“The most prominent brand when it comes to dealing with IoT security.”


IoT Village Attendee

“Made for people who don't know anything.  This is ALWAYS a great thing.


Ted on IoT Village

“Provides an opportunity for people to experience security in a very tangible, very real way.”


Jay on IoT Village

“IoT Village is the face of IoT security worldwide.”


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Whether you need testing, consulting, training, or simply some advice: we're here to help. Take the next steps to building better, more secure technology.